C.I.A.A. from ASF – Coaching for Inclusion, Achievement & Awareness
This 7-Step Programme includes:
1. Intelligence Gathering – Audit current experience in employing young adults with ASC and educate your company as to the benefits of employing working alongside people with Autism/Aspergers (if any at all).
2. Covert Operations – Educate employer on the realities of ASC and the benefits of employing people with ASC.
3. Case Assignment – Share this knowledge with designated personnel (HR) and create pathways for successful recruitment and retention.
4. Profile Indices – Activate an education and awareness programme of common profile Indices and their impact upon successful recruitment, retention. and co-workers.
5. Bespoke Pathways – (their success formula) and then get working on coping strategies, options and decision making, effective communication and methods to reflect upon what is working and what isn’t.
6. Sustainable Future – A tool kit for the on-going maintenance of employees both current and potential.
7. Exit Strategy – Agree exit strategy for success of the formula.